Entries by Binay Curtis

Avoid Media Mishaps

  How do media mishaps take place? Take a look at this video of David Letterman’s Top Media Mishaps and see for yourself the hilarious ramblings of some prominent people and some tips on how to avoid them.  These are fun to watch, but do you wonder, “How the hell could someone say that?”  Personally, I […]

Lessons From Dad: Building Business with Conscience

****REPOST ALERT- ON BEHALF OF MY DAD’S 74th BIRTHDAY*** Recently, an article written in the Chicago Reader 23 years ago resurfaced online about the growth of my father’s pharmacy business.  The article highlighted how my dad built his business by trusting customers  living with HIV/AIDS to pay back his local pharmacy so they can receive their medication […]

Thank you, Marco!

Thank you Marco Rubio for providing me fuel for my media training sessions today! There are lots of bloopers, but this very well tops it. During my media training sessions, I often train people on the non-verbal and the verbal communication – how the two meet…I recently added to the presentation: “55-80 percent of communication is […]

The end of an Era for PR?

I have had many mentors throughout my career, but the people that really shaped my career were my supervisors* at Edelman Public Relations. Daniel J. Edelman, the Founder of Edelman Public Relations,  passed away Tuesday. Is this the end of an era? Dan made so many valuable contributions to PR, including media tours with the Toni Twins, […]


What do you think? Anyone listening? After much contemplation, I’m going to start a blog. Every once in a while (and I mean once in awhile), I have some random thoughts I think others will be interested in. Most of the time, I share it with close friends and family, but if it makes sense […]